Judigaun is the village located at Mandanpur Deupur Rural Municipality ward no-8 of Kavre District of Nepal. There are 840 indigenous people from 120 households whose lives are displaced by aNepalEarthquake. The Village has very old drinking water system which is outdated and it hardly provides enough drinking water . This water is used for drinking, washing the clothes, dishes etc, bathing and also for cattle . The Village has another problem of Sanitation. Around 99 % houses & toilets were destroyed by NepalEarthquake2015. With aid around 90% houses are built. Local Government has supported around 80-90 families for toilet construction as well. The Remaining 30-40 houses still don't have toilets. The main objectives of the projects are : 1.Construction of new drinking water system to meet water needs of people. 2.Construction of 30 toilets to maintain proper sanitation 3.Plantation of 20,000 plants at source and different areas to conserve water source and prevent landslides.
Ranjeev Shrestha
District 3292
Seeking International Rotary Club
Aug. 20, 2020 3 years ago
Seeking international club for project support
840 in the village
1357 plus additional in surrounding area