Marketing Resources


Are you Promoting WASH-RAG?

You Can Introduce Your Club to WASH-RAG
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

It’s easy to become a WASH Advocate! Why not be a presenter at your next Club, District or Zone meeting! Expand your reach and promote WASH in your community.

Did you know you don’t have to be a Rotarian to join WASH-RAG?

Your environmentally minded friends, water-conscious community members, and the general public can join us too! Tell them to check us out at

Find or become an Ambassador or Cadre Member!

The WASH Rotary Action Group Ambassadors is a corps of knowledgeable members who provide support and promotion of the WASH goals of WASH Rotary Action Group and The Rotary Foundation.

WASH-RAG Ambassadors – LEARN MORE>>


The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of Rotarians who volunteer to use their professional skills and technical expertise in Rotary’s Areas of Focus or financial auditing to advise Rotarians who are planning and working on Rotary Foundation grant projects. The Cadre includes more than 700 members from 75 countries, speaking more than 80 languages.

Become a CADRE Member – LEARN MORE>>

2024 WASH-RAG Trifold COVER


DOWNLOAD sized for 8.5″ x 11″ printing
DOWNLOAD A4 size for printing

world water day march 22

Promotional Items Available

Click on image to download

PowerPoint Presentation

This is the PDF version
Sized 8.5″ x 11″

wash-rag ppt image

FAQ One Page

sized for 8.5″ x 11″ printing
can be used for A4 printing

wash-rag faq image

Banner/Rack Card 1

Rack card size 3.5″ x 8.5″
with QR code to WASH-RAG website

WASH banner 1

Banner/Rack Card 2

Contact for higher quality sizes

WASH banner 2