Operations Team


WASH Rotary Action Group Operations Team

The WASH-RAG Ops Team manages the operations of our action group. The team is led by the chair and is subdivided into various committees with specific responsibilities.

If you are interested in supporting any of the Ops Team chairs, please contact the chair below and let them know.

Ambassador Program
Recruit and maintain WASH experts to assist Rotary districts and clubs at the local level.

Marketing & Communications
Promotes WASH and WASH-RAG through newsletters, promotional materials, media releases, our website, and through public outreach.

Recruits interested members of Rotary to help support our efforts.

Professional Services
Serves as a technical resource for WASH projects and Programs. Also, oversees the grants program for projects that ask for a project technical review.

Rotaract Outreach
Encourage Rotaract members to participate in WASH related programs and projects and serves as a technical and Rotary educational opportunity.

Rotary Foundation Technical Officer / Cadre
Assists with review of Global Grant applications with the Rotary Foundation requirements.

Sponsorship and Partnerships
Networks with other WASH NGOs and organizations to better leverage our efforts and to promote Rotary through WASH-RAG.

Assists us with keeping up to date all our information and materials on the website and other means of communication.

World Water Summit
Organize the World Warter Summits annually, which usually occurs just prior to the RI Convention.

Helps to organize all the “moving parts” and is responsible for communications to the membership.


Wade Nomura – Chair

Carolyn Meub – Vice Chair
Ambassador Program

Lisa Talley
Marketing & Communications

Patrick Coleman

Monica Louie
Professional Services

Abdul Rashid Alhassan
Rotaract Outreach

Big Rich Churchman
Technical Officer/Cadre

Sponsorships and Partnerships

Michael Brown
Technology Support

Michael Fernando
World Water Summit

Ian Rumbles