Technical Assessment Grant


Submit Your Application

To submit your application for a Technical Assessment Grant:

Our Goal

The WASH-RAG Professional Services Committee, through a generous grant from the Wallace Genetics Foundation, can provide a grant (up to $1,200 per grant) to cover the cost of required “front-end” technical assessments that a Global Grant cannot fund.

Technical Assessments that might be required include hydrogeologic studies of groundwater, test drilling, and engineering designs. This grant cannot be used for Community Assessments.


The Host club(s), with support from the international sponsor club(s), will prepare the funding request, which includes:

  1. What funds have been raised so far
  2. Why the funds are needed (e.g. to meet criteria, to satisfy local authority, etc).
  3. What expenses will be covered (e.g. engineering design, survey, contract for test drilling, etc)
  4. Why and how this contractor or expert was selected
  5. When will funds be needed, and when will work be done
  6. What will be the output of the work (e.g. report, drawings, tests, photos, survey), and
  7. Provide a CV-resume and proposal from the expert.

The application will be reviewed initially to determine if it is appropriate and complete.

If the application is approved, a Coordinator will work with the club to monitor the work carried out as proposed and the outputs delivered as specified in the application.

Who Can Participate

The person from the Host Club applying must be a WASH-RAG member. At least one member of the International Sponsor Club must be a WASH-RAG member. If the Host and International representatives are not WASH-RAG members, they can sign up HERE.

Professional Services Team

Monica Louie, Chair

Cadre of Technical Advisors

Stewart Martin
Technical Officer / Cadre

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Cadre


Our Professional Resource Team manages this program. They review and assign the grant to a member of the Cadre Technical Advisors for further review.

The Cadre member reviews the proposed grant for elements as outlined in the community assessment plus any technical issues or concerns that you have, or that we discover, and project is following all the elements as outlined by Rotary Global Grant requirements.